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Temporarily Unavailable Twinblast Skins (16th of April, 2024)

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Temporarily Unavailable Twinblast Skins (16th of April, 2024)

Ornament knowledge base search

Update 17th of April: The skins are back now and shouldn't be causing trouble anymore.

Due to a technical issue, the following skins have been temporarily disabled:

  • Twinblast Double Agent Skin
  • Twinblast Energized Skin
  • Twinblast Prestige Skin
  • Twinblast Shadow Ops

They won't be available to equip or purchase for about 24 hours.
Please also refrain from unlocking the Prestige Skin in the Affinity tab during this time.
Once that period is over, all players who have purchased those skins will receive them back. 

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

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