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Season 2 Roadmap Update
Season 2 Roadmap Update

Season 2 Roadmap Update

Season News

Dear Predecessor Community,

As part of our commitment to transparency and in our relentless pursuit of further enhancing your Predecessor experience, we have an important update to our Season 2 Roadmap that we'd like to share with you.

From this point forward and throughout the remainder of Season 2, we'll be putting a temporary pause on the release of new frontend features. This decision is not expected to impact the frequency of game updates or Hero releases, and to show our gratitude for your understanding and patience we will be making new Heroes delivered during this season absolutely free to everyone who plays in it.

The reason behind this temporary halt on new features is to allow us to focus entirely on transitioning Predecessor to our new User Interface (UI). The reality is that our team has been juggling the support of two UIs, which has slowed our pace and progress on both. To resolve this issue, we've made the tough decision to discontinue support for our current UI, allowing us to expedite the delivery of the new UI.

Furthermore, this new UI is an essential component for the console version of Predecessor. We want to prioritize its development to make our game accessible to a larger audience as quickly as possible.

We realize that this news may come as a disappointment to some of you, but this strategic decision will ultimately enable us to introduce new features more rapidly in the future.

Thank you for your understanding, and as always, for being a valued part of the Predecessor community. We look forward to continuing our journey together and delivering the best gaming experience for you all.

- Robbie, CEO

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