Early Access FAQ

Last updated 23/11/22


What servers will there be for Early Access? Will additional servers be added at a later date?

How long is Early Access expected to last?

When will player progression be added to Early Access?

What are the system requirements for Early Access?

Will there be an ultrawide monitor support?

What accessibility options will there be during Early Access? (Colour blind settings etc)?

Is there any difference between buying Predecessor on Epic vs. Steam?

Will Predecessor be available to play on GeForce Now?

Will Predecessor be available to play on Steam Deck?

Will Predecessor be available to play on Linux either through Proton on Steam or natively?

Are esports tournaments being considered for Predecessor?

How will cross-play impact competitive play?

Will Predecessor have skill-based matchmaking?

Is there any plan to revert Muriel's current face to her original robotic face?

Will all skins return?

How will you determine which new Heroes are being released and when during development? Will you be rotating between roles or based on previous popularity?

Are we going to get new item icons? The current ones feel unfitting with Predecessor's artistic direction.

Will you revert to a card system and deck building?

What game modes are you considering for the future?

Will the order of players in the tab screen be consistent like in League of Legends or will we be able to adjust the order of the characters on it?

Will Early Access have skill casting options?

Will the game support voice chat?

The ‘all chat’ feature was noticeably absent from stress test. Will it be coming back?

Will we be able to make item build paths before a match and make it Hero specific?

Beyond the announced bundles, how much will skins cost?

What is the refund policy for Early Access?

Will prices for Early Access bundles and in-game purchases be localised?

Will there be a way to purchase all future Heroes, forever?

Past the first 25 we are receiving through the bundle, are additional Heroes going to be accessed through progression or in-game currency?

As a console player, can I purchase an Early Access bundle on steam and transfer to console upon release?

If I purchase a bundle, am I able to upgrade or downgrade to a different bundle in the future?

What can the Platinum in the Early Access bundles be spent on?

How rare are the skins that are included in the Early Access bundles?

Do any bundles include additional game codes for friends?

How can I gift the game to my friends?

Will there be official asset packs or game keys for content creators?

Have you considered an ‘avoid player’ system?

Will the Predecessor website be updated with the list of Heroes and their skills? As well as the item shop list?

Will you build character/world lore into Predecessor?

Will Role queues be available at the start of Early Access?

Will the UI be customisable? Could certain elements be moved or toggled on/off?