Account Linking

We're pleased to share that full Account Linking and Account Migration is now available, allowing you to transfer game progress between platforms.

Account Migration

In order to move game data from one platform to another:

  1. Log in to My Account at using the account you wish to migrate to a different platform. This account will serve as your master account. Any accounts linked to your master account will have their data deleted and replaced by data from your master account

    • For example - to migrate PlayStation game data to a new platform, you’d need to log in via PlayStation.

  2. Link the new platform you want to migrated your account data over to such as Epic Games, Steam or Xbox. If there’s existing game data associated with the account you’re trying to link to, it will be deleted and replaced by data from your master account.

    • For more information on linking accounts, read our support article on Account Linking.

  3. Load up the newly linked platform. Your progress and account data will have been migrated!

Account Preservation

Any accounts you link will have their data and progress overwritten and replaced by data from the master account. Merging accounts to combine game data is not currently possible.

For example, if you are migrating PS4 data to Steam and connect it to a Steam account that already has game data, the pre-existing Steam data will be deleted and replaced by the PS4 data.

Additionally you may only link to an account that has not already been linked to another account.

At this time account unlinking is not supported. Be sure to take care when linking accounts.

If you mistakenly link an account or need any additional help, please contact our Support team for assistance.